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#generous swim for Alisa Chuikov
Own reason
In August 2021, the Samara region will host the "X-WATERS SAMARA" swim at 181 km along the Volga. I will take part in this event in order, with the support of Rusfond, to attract attention and help to those who need it so much. In preparation for X-WATERS SAMARA 181 from November 9 to December 9, 2020, with the support of my team and all concerned swimmers and triathletes, we will swim 1400 km. After all, this is exactly how much separates the capital of our Motherland to the city of Polevskoy Sverdlovsk region, where Alisa Chuikova lives. Alice is 4 years old, she has congenital muscular dystrophy. With this disease, weakness of all muscles develops, the heart and lungs suffer. Doctors believe that the girl needs a special wheelchair to spend time in a sitting position. This will avoid dislocation of the hip joints, osteoporosis and the development of curvature of the spine. In such a chair, Alice will be able to eat while sitting, study with teachers, and move around the apartment. Also, the girl will be able to continue attending therapeutic classes in the pool. But the wheelchair needed by Alice is not provided at the expense of the state budget, and the child's parents cannot buy it, it is very expensive, 327,040 rubles. They really need our help! I ask you to support me, for this you can not only contribute money to the fund, but also become a part of my team: swim this considerable distance with me, posting photos and videos of your swims in social networks with the hashtag #general swim and tell all your friends about this initiative. Every 100 meters swam and every ruble contributed will be counted and will bring us closer to the goal! View more >>
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Boxer Alexei Papin participates in the "Cyber Heroes Marathon" and helps children get hand prostheses Event: Own reason
Boxer Alexei Papin participates in the "Cyber Heroes Marathon" and helps children get hand prostheses Event: Own reason
Swimmer Andrey Grechin participates in the "Cyber Heroes Marathon" and helps children get hand prostheses Event: Own reason
  • Incognito,
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  • Smolin_Aleksandr_Sergeevich_,
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